Can Dogs Have Watermelon Seeds: Most of us love watermelon. Some dogs love watermelon, too. But how safe is it for them to eat? Find out if dogs can have watermelon seeds below and other facts about dogs consuming watermelon as juice or eating it whole.
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Can Dogs Have Watermelon?
Yes, dogs can eat watermelon and most fruits. Watermelon has many health benefits for both humans and dogs. For example, the fruit has a lot of vitamin A, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Also, watermelon only has 50 calories for each cup and is mostly water. So, watermelon keeps you and your pooch hydrated in the summer.
Can Dogs Eat Watermelon Seeds?

It is not recommended that dogs eat watermelon seeds. While the seeds are not toxic, they can cause a blockage in the intestines. So, you should remove as many of the seeds as possible before giving watermelon to your dog. After giving the dog watermelon, you last thing you want is a trip to the emergency vet clinic!
The best way to avoid the seed problem is to buy seedless watermelons. While the melon still has seeds, they are small and won’t cause problems with your dog’s tummy. If seedless watermelon is not available, just remove the watermelon seeds when you cut it up for your dog.
Watermelon Benefits For Dogs
Watermelon has many antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It also is full of water. So watermelon is a healthy treat for your pup. Additional health benefits of this fruit for your dog are:
- Water: Watermelon contains up to 94% water to keep your pup hydrated.
- Antioxidants: These repair cells that have been damaged by environmental stress. If you give your dog watermelon and other fruits, they will live a longer and healthier life.
- Fiber: Fiber keeps food going through the digestive system. This helps your pooch to avoid constipation and intestinal blockages.
- Lycopene: This is what makes watermelon and tomatoes red. Lycopene also helps to prevent cancer and improves the dog’s vision.
While watermelon has sugar, it also has a lot of fiber. This is insulation for the load of sugar, so it enters the bloodstream slower than most sugars. But if the dog has diabetes, it is not recommended to give it to him.
How Should You Feed Dogs Watermelon?
Like most treats, you can give your dog watermelon in addition to their daily diet. Some of the safest ways to give your dog watermelon are:
- Chunks: Slice the watermelon into small chunks, take out the seeds, and rind. Remember, watermelon seeds can cause an intestinal blockage, so don’t give them to your dog.
- Frozen chunks: After you take out the seeds and rind, freeze the watermelon. Take it out and give to your dog on a hot day. This will cool down your pooch, and he’ll love the treat.
- Make watermelon ice cream: Try blending chunks of frozen watermelon with plain, low-sugar yogurt. Put the watermelon ice cream on top of your dog’s food. Or, put it into a Kong toy to keep them occupied. Plain yogurt is fine for most dogs if they are not intolerant to lactose.
Many dog owners say that dogs really love frozen watermelon chunks. They are really refreshing on a hot day and will occupy your dog for a few minutes. Of course, you should not overdo it when giving your dog any kind of watermelon. Giving them high-quality dog food for their major diet is always best.
What About Watermelon Rinds?
Watermelon rinds also are not safe for your dog. While it is ok for the dog to chew on the light green parts, the rind is too hard to chew. The digestive system of dogs won’t break it down enough, so it is not safe. It is recommended to remove the seeds and rind from the watermelon before giving it to your dog.
Summary about Can Dogs Have Watermelon Seeds
Watermelon is a great choice to feed your dog as an occasional, healthy treat. It contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. When watermelon is prepared correctly for your dog, it will keep him hydrated and healthy. Your dog will also be so happy that you give him watermelon, which makes you happy, too.
However, you should not feed watermelon seeds or watermelon rinds to your dog. They can interfere with the digestive tract. So, just be sure that you give it to your dog in chunks, so they stay safe and healthy.
As with any new food, introduce watermelon slowly to your pet. See how well they digest it. If the dog has diarrhea or soft stool, it can be a sign that the fruit does not agree with your pooch. If you follow these guidelines about watermelon, we are sure your dog will love it and eat it often.
Next, read about whether dogs can dogs have watermelon skin.