Can dogs have watermelon juice: People love their pooches and one way they show their affection is to give them treats. While many dog owners give their pups dog treats, others like to give them fruit, such as watermelon.
If you wonder if your dog can have watermelon juice, below is important information to know. You’ll find out about watermelon juice, watermelon benefits, and more.
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Can Dogs Have Watermelon Juice?
The short answer is, yes! Watermelon juice is a healthy treat for your dog. In fact, watermelon is one of the healthiest fruits you can give your dog. Many people like to cut up watermelon, drain some of the juice and give it to their dogs.
How Watermelon Is Great for Dogs
Watermelon is one of the healthiest fruits out there. It’s chockful of helpful nutrients that are great for your dog. Some of the nutrients are vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B6. Also, watermelon has a lot of fiber that is good for a dog’s digestion. Once you give your dog watermelon, there is a good chance he will always come back for more.
Dog owners often say after the dog has watermelon, he always recognizes the fruit and comes running when he sees it!
Watermelon is high in sugar. However, the fiber in the watermelon changes how the body absorbs the sugar. It prevents it from being sent into the bloodstream too fast. Also, watermelon contains lycopene, which is a vital antioxidant that prevents cancer. Giving your dog watermelon a few times per month can be part of a healthy diet.
Watermelon also has only about 50 calories per cup. It’s low in sodium, contains no fat and there is no cholesterol. So, it is a healthy option for your dog. It is even better than many dog bones and biscuits at the supermarket. Some of those treats are high in calories and not as good for your dog as you may think.
How To Feed Your Dog Watermelon

Before giving watermelon to your dog, talk to your veterinarian about how much is ok. Dogs have different dietary needs. Some may have medical problems that make it unsafe to feed them watermelon.
After your vet says it’s ok, removing the rind and seeds is important. While neither is toxic, they are difficult to digest and could block your dog’s intestines. Obviously, you don’t want a trip to the emergency vet clinic. Note that small dogs can have particular problems digesting the seeds and rind.
You can avoid this problem by cutting the watermelon into small chunks. This gives them the ability to chew and digest the treat easily. Also, consider freezing watermelon and give to your pooch on a hot, summer day. However, vets say to be sure the dog’s teeth are strong enough to chew the frozen watermelon without damaging them.
Other owners enjoy making watermelon ice cream. Do this by blending watermelon chunks with unsweetened yogurt and freezing it. Put it on top of your dog’s regular food for a special treat.
Remember, the best way for the dog to eat watermelon is in small chunks. It is easy for them to chew and digest.
What About Watermelon Seeds?
One of the issues with feeding dogs watermelon is the seeds. As we stated earlier, these are not toxic but hard to digest. Take out as many seeds as possible when cutting up the watermelon. It isn’t a big deal if he gets a seed now and then. But too many seeds could be a big problem.
Avoid the seed problem altogether by purchasing seedless watermelons. The melon still has seeds inside, but they are tiny and won’t cause digestive problems. If you cannot buy seedless watermelons, take them out when cutting the fruit into chunks.
What About Watermelon Rinds?
Watermelon rinds are also hard to digest. So, you should not give them to your dog. It’s fine for the dog to nibble on the light green part of the fruit but discard the rinds.
You can give your dog watermelon juice and whole watermelon chunks as a treat every few days. Watermelon is full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water. It is a safe treat if you make the watermelon in small chunks without seeds. Your pooch will be so happy when you give him seeds, and you will feel happy, too.
However, introduce it slowly to your dog as with all new foods. See if they digest it ok. If he has soft stool or diarrhea, this indicates the watermelon is not being digested well.
If you follow these watermelon tips, we are confident your dog will love the treat and want it often.
Next, read about ‘can dogs have seedless watermelon.’