Raw Food Diet – 5 Reasons Why A Raw Food Diet can benefit your Health!

raw-food-dietLast Thursday April 29, 2010 I had the honor to attend a lecture by renowned Raw Food Expert Brian Clement, PhD, LNC co-founder of Hippocrates Health Institute at the Greenery Raw Food Cafe in Encinitas, Ca.  This lecture opened my eyes to positive and long term affects that a Raw Food Diet can have on your longevity.  That is why I have come up with 5 reason a raw food diet can benefit your health.

1.  Live enzymes are one of the factors in a raw diet that can lead to easy weight loss.

2.  Heating food above 105 degrees Fahrenheit destroys the enzymes as well as 50% of the protein and 70-90% of the vitamins and minerals.

3.   Can eat at all hours of the day and you never feel full.

4.  Increased energy and Improved skin appearance

5.  Reduced risk of heart disease

The raw food diet contains fewer trans fats and saturated fat than most other diets. It is also low in sodium and high in potassium, magnesium, folate, fiber and health-promoting plant chemicals called phytochemicals.

Typically, at least 75% of the diet must be living or raw.  Implementing more raw foods into your diet can only help. One can not expect  go completely raw over night.  But at least try to include more raw food into your daily diet and see if you can feel the difference.

Live Rootsy eat Raw.